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Drawing with the song.

Drawings for Money (music band)

Experimental work in progress: These drawings are the result of video capture. Each drawing is performed for the duration of  songs from …

3D creation:"tattoos"

3D creation: “tattoos”

3D creation of a tattooed dancer with traditional Japanese patterns. Masks, costumes inspired by Nô theater and Butô dance. May 2018, Brest. …

3D interpretation:"Rahan"

3D interpretation:”Rahan”

3D interpretation: freely inspired by the comic character “Rahan fils des âges farouches”created by Roger Lecureux and André Chéret. June 2016, Brest. …

3D modeling:"corinthian column"

3D modeling:” Ancient architecture”

3D modeling of Ancient architectures.  Greek Apollo Epikourios temple and Egyptian Edfou temple. Models according to photographs and blueprints. October 2015, Brest. …

3D creation: "Luna"

3D creation: “Luna”

3D creation according to original character “Luna” (youth illustration). Original creation: Céline Lyaudet December 2016, Brest. Zbrush, Blender.  

3D interpretation:"micro-algae"

3D scientific interpretation:”micro-algae”

  3D scientific interpretation of micro-algae for Ifremer Concarneau’s vulgarization exhibit “Art and Science”. Modeling according to photographs (scanning electron microscope). Scientific …

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